केन्द्रीय विद्यालय मथुरा छावनी में राधा कृष्णा की महारास
77वां स्वतंत्रता दिवस/ 77th Independence Day
77वां स्वतंत्रता दिवस/ 77th Independence Day
भरतनाट्यम कार्यशाला
Rajbhasha Karyashala/राजभाषा कार्यशाला on 29-11-2022
Constitution Day celebrated on 26-11-2022
School Building and Infrastructure
Youtube Channel of K.V.Mathura Cantt
73rd Republic Day Celebration
Pariksha Pe Charcha
NCC Drill Practices of Cadets of KV Mathura Cantt
Go Corona || Scratch Video Game || ATL Community Day Competition
Catch The Mask || Scratch Video Game || ATL Community Day Competition || KV Mathura Cantt
Poster Making on National Sports Day
Online Activities of KV Mathura Cantt
Fitness Beat Pandemic Poem
Fit India Week 10th December,2020- Live Session
Fit India Week 9th December,2020- Live Session
Pariksha pe charcha
KVS Rashtriya Ekta Shivir-Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat 2018